Thursday, 27 December 2007

I, proud to be a Day Dreamer

Everybody in this world is a dreamer, some dreams a lot, and some does not. People often tell me that the persons who are day dreamers cannot achieve anything in their lives. When I ask them the reason, they justify that day dreamers are so deeply involved in their day dreams that they hardly see the facts of the real world. This is true to some extent. Day dreamers always want to be in the perfect world of theirs in the dreams, so they don’t want to come out of it. They become like a child who would cry if his toy is taken away from him. This is the extensive stage of day dreaming. If a person has achieved this stage then surely he has become mentally weak. He needs help. Solution to this problem is different for different people. But I am not going to discuss its solution rather I would discuss why a person becomes a day dreamer and to which extent is it good for a person.
Human being is an emotional animal. He is attached to every thing emotionally, whether materialistic or not. In the deep of his heart he always wants to be loved and respected by everybody. He needs peace, love and harmony in his life. He needs everything to go smooth. But we all know that life is never smooth, it comes with many ups and downs. Man becomes happy when he gets what he desire and become sad when he doesn’t get it. There are many colours of emotions a person have. The desire of being happy unconsciously takes him to a state of mind where he makes his own world of perfection. A world where he can desire freely, he can colour his aims, he can give wings to all his aspirations. He makes a strategy, where all the odd things of his path are washed away, and a clear cut picture of a goal, which he thinks can be achieved, is carved. The poetry of Amitabh Bachhan "tum hoti to aisa hota, tum hoti to waisa hota" is an example of the day dreamers.
Dreaming is a good thing, because until and unless you don’t aim you cannot achieve. So day dreaming is a good way of wishing. In addition, if you are getting over of your problems by being in a state which gives you happiness, then surely it is a good thing. Though this get over is not permanent, but in the ocean of frustration if day dreaming is giving some light of hope and happiness then it should be taken as a way of becoming optimistic and having faith upon the Almighty. But it should not be made a habit. Day dreaming must always be taken as a medium of improvement, not that you will think; only dreaming will achieve me my goal. This make me remember of a line of a shloka that I have read in my school, "na hi suptasya sinhasya pravishanti mukhe mrigah", which means, deer cannot automatically enter into the mouth of a sleeping lion, to eat it, he has to try to catch the deer.
The day dreamers must not forget that they have to make pace with the original situation as well, and has to work towards it to improve. There is a fine line between the original situation and the dreams. One has to dream, with the current situation in mind. When one forgets this simple thing, it leads him to an extreme position of dreaming from where he doesn't want to return. Dreams should be our slaves, the day we become their slaves will become a point of no return.
So dreaming should be taken as a way of making ourselves strong and successful. But the persons who call it an idiotic thing must understand that human needs an emotional improvement which is been provided by these dreams, and we have to understand it. Dreaming is good but in extreme condition is not. Dreams are like the picture which a painter paints on a canvas, and we have to admire it, but the painter must not forget that it's only a painting; it is his imagination, he cannot make it alive, because he is not God, which is the reality. So dream like a kite, which flies in the sky, but at the same time is attached to its root.

1 comment:

Reyaz said...

Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so.